The objective of this Chat group is to exchange relevant and truthful information about Bnei Noach issues as expressed in authentic, grounded Judaism in the written and oral Torah. It is appropriate to ask questions, answer them and comment on them.

As in every community, the personal interests of each participant are relevant, however, this is not the place to discuss politics. mundane matters (like football, films, etc.). This is also the place to hold conversations simply because the person is bored, it is not necessary to plan topics solely with the aim of spending time.


These are the Chat rules whose objective is to generate a pleasant, pleasant and conversational experience.

The group has a moderator who is the Rabbi Tuvia Serber.

Each user is validated by the rabbi and authorized, or no, according to your understanding. To join the group, you must write an email to requesting membership. The rabbi will request the following information: True name and surname, test of this (for example with a photo of an identity document) and express consent to take care of this game of rules.

Sharing personal information is not authorized (such as telephone number and address). It is possible to share email addresses. However, the purpose of the prohibition on sharing personal information is to avoid harassment and inappropriate messages, therefore, it is recommended not to share the email address publicly.

Each user will appear with their real name. from him. Texts are only allowed to be shared, without images or audios. You can use emoticons.

Each user can delete their own messages, but not others. The moderator can delete any message that he considers inappropriate.

It is prohibited to offend or insult any user without exception. If a disagreement arises, it will be resolved without aggression or expressions that give rise to misunderstandings. In any case, it is the rabbi who will decide the halacha (jewish law) regarding the failure.

You can share links to sites that help understand the issue in question. However, links that generate confusion may be deleted by the rabbi.

If a user does not respect the rules, he will be removed from the group with a single warning.

The rabbi does not undertake to answer each question nor does it do so immediately.

User manual

On the Chat window you can use the text box at the bottom of the screen to write your message. To send it, press the send arrow. If you want to cancel the message you wrote, use the circular cancel button, at the right of the send arrow.

If you press on a message for a couple of seconds, you can respond to that message privately. If you want to cancel your response, press the circular cancel button.

Each message contains a blurred icon and one to share.

The Search window will allow you to search among previous messages. Each message that matches your search will appear with a share icon.

The Users window will allow you to know each Chat user and their nationality. The lamp on the left side indicates whether the user has recently used Chat (yellow) or not (gray).

The Countries window will allow you to know the total number of Chat users and the number of users per country.

The Languages window will allow you to access different Chat rooms divided by language.

The Help window will take you to this same text.

The Exit window will disconnect you from the Chat so that you will not receive further notifications of incoming messages and will have to rejoin your user and password to participate in the Chat.