In this lesson I will tell you the truth about the spiritual levels that Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) speaks of and their relationship (or not!) with non-Jews.
Talmud Brachot 7a (Moshe asked Hashem not to reside His presence in the other nations)
Shmot 33:16
- Commentaries by Rashi, Ibn Ezra and Ramban
Shmot 34:10
Bereshit 21:12 (Yitzchak will be your offspring)
Talmud Sanhedrin 59b (Yitzchak, and not all of Yitzchak)
Likutei Torah Shmini Atzeret 83b
Maamarim Alter Rebbe, 5563, Part 2, p. 780
Maamarim Miteler Rebbe, Devarim, Part 4, p. 1324-5
Talmud Pesachim 56a (Ishmael "came out" from Avraham, Eisav "came out" from Yitzchak)