Respecting the Creator

The Meaning

At the most basic level, this means that one must not curse the Creator as He is known by His holy Names. Humans are graced with a unique faculty of speech, which is drawn down from the reflection of Divinity that is uniquely bestowed upon a human being. What greater misuse of this gift could there be than to acknowledge the existence of the Creator, while in the same breath expressing a base and vengeful desire that He should be harmed. It would show that the person does not merely lack faith and trust in the intrinsic good of Divine Providence (which may be hidden for a period of time), but he openly rebels against it.

The following is adapted from the Introduction by Rabbi J. Immanuel Schochet to the Prohibition of Blasphemy, in “The Divine Code,” Part III:

At the very center of this world are homo sapiens, humans Divinely endowed with intellect. This allows us analytical thought and examination of ourselves and the world around us. Without Divinelyendowed criteria for truth and moral values, however, our critical thinking is abstract and theoretical at best, and obviously susceptible to error.

Thus G-d revealed to mankind knowledge of His inscrutable Will by means of His prophets and the Torah, to know what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil.

The Divine revelation of the Torah at Mount Sinai, and the Divine designation of Moses as the foremost prophet for all time, set forth the ultimate test for the truth of future prophets, i.e., compatibility with the Torah and its eternal commandments. Even so, this legal and moral code is meaningful only when applying the other special gift endowed upon humans, namely freedom of choice to follow or reject proper conduct.

Open-minded and consistent reasoning readily leads to a realization that there must be a Supreme Cause for our most complex yet intricately precise world. Thus we arrive at the recognition and acknowledgment of G-d as Creator, Sovereign and Sustainer of the universe. This is not only an intellectual conclusion, but of itself has practical implications. Noting that life, health, and all human needs and blessings emanate unceasingly from the Creator, we must surely acknowledge this in thought, speech, and action. We ought to express gratitude for the Divine benevolence on which we are continuously dependent, and make ourselves into worthy recipients thereof. This is the concept of worshiping G-d that applies equally to all people alike.

The diametric opposite to this ideal of reverence for G-d is the crass and sinful conduct of deprecating G-d or His Sovereignty. This is referred to as blasphemy. In common usage, the word “blasphemy” is generally defined as any form of uttered impiety, irreverence, or sacrilege against G-d. These are acts of defiance seeking to impair the appropriate respect and reverence for G-d.

More specifically, the prohibition of blasphemy against the blessed Name of the Creator, and the obligation to respect and revere Him, derive from His absolute supremacy and sovereignty. It then follows that:

  • Everyone is subject to the precept of awe and reverence before G-d, commonly referred to as the “fear of G-d.” 
  • One may not use G-d’s Name in vain. Using G-d’s Name in vain is closely connected with the principle of blasphemy, and it is clearly a form of disrespect. Included in this is a prohibition against swearing to a lie in G-d’s Name. Thus we find that from the earliest times, the concept of an oath was regarded as a sacred obligation. (See Genesis 21:22 and following, and Genesis 26:28 and following)
Scriptural Sources

Leviticus 24:10-17 relates the incident of a Jew who violated the injunction of Exodus 22:27 and blasphemed in anger, and the Divine edict proclaiming this to be a capital offense. Moreover, it states in Leviticus 24:15, “ish ish (any man) who curses his G-d shall bear his sin.” Why the double expression of “ish ish” (literally: a man, a man)? To include all mankind.

Some Details and Related Principles
  • The obligation to respect G-d’s Name.
  • The obligation to fear G-d.
  • The prohibition of cursing G-d (Heaven forbid).
  • The prohibition of swearing in vain (as in taking a vain oath, or swearing to a false promise or statement).
  • Which vows may be annulled, and the justifications and methods for doing so.

Presented from the booklet Go(o)d for You with permission from the publisher, Ask Noah International (


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